Number Theory Group

The study of integers and prime numbers has intrigued people since ancient times and continues to be an active field of research today. Recent breakthroughs in this area have been significant. For instance, Wiles' solution to Fermat's Last Theorem in 1995 has stimulated much related research activity that persists to the present, such as the recent solution by Khare and Wintenberger of Serre's conjecture. Analytic number theory, which employs calculus and complex analysis to study integers, is concerned with the Riemann hypothesis, a Clay Millennium Problem. In this area, there have been recent strides, including the Green-Tao proof that prime numbers appear in arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. The Langlands Program is a broad set of conjectures that connects number theory with representation theory, and this field also has connections with cryptography, which has applications in computer science.”


Department Members in This Field



Graduate Students

  • TBA