Abstract: AERMOD is a steady-state plume dispersion model endorsed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and used to model the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. It is used to simulate the movement and dispersion of air pollutants released into ambient air from industrial sources. It employs different concentration distributions to model the stable and convective boundary layers. It assumes Gaussian distributions in both the horizontal and vertical directions. As part of the experiential learning for my PhD programme, I learned how to simulate plume rise and dispersion using AERMOD. In this talk, I will first present a summary of my Seminar I talk by briefly discussing the derivation of the Gaussian plume model using the advection-diffusion equation. Secondly, I will discuss the steps and procedures needed to run AERMOD. Finally, I will discuss some preliminary results of plume rise and dispersion obtained using synthetic input data to AERMOD.
PhD Seminar II: By William Ohene-Ayeh
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