In this talk, we will study a system of nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and show that the solution to the Riemann initial value problem contains singular shock waves with discontinuities in the state variables and their partial derivatives. Due to the nonlinearity of the system, care must be taken in proving that such shock waves actually satisfy the system of PDEs and in what sense they do so. In particular, the Riemann problem will be solved for the inviscid system of PDEs in a unique way and find explicit travelling wave solutions for the viscous system of PDEs. It will be shown that, at least for certain values (viscosity coefficients) of a ratio, a travelling shock profile which connects two constant states exists but not unique.
Speaker: Vincent T. Teyekpiti (PhD) | Department of Mathematics | University of Ghana
Chairperson: Augustine Larweh Mahu (PhD) | Department of Mathematics | University of Ghana
Meeting ID: 355 962 275 913 | Passcode: SNL9xH | Teams: Link
All are cordially invited.