Past Events


Symposium "Restitution and Reparation Issues in Ghana. Experiences from the Past - Perspectives for the Present and Future"

Keynote: Professor Bénédicte Savoy (Technical University Berlin), author (with Felwine Sarr) of The Restitution of African Cultural Heritage: Toward a New Relational Ethics, known as the Sarr-Savoy Report (2018) and Africa’s Struggle for Its Art: History of a Postcolonial Defeat (2022).

Chair: Professor Wazi Apoh (University of Ghana)

Public Lecture: Narrative, identity, and ethics: Theoretical considerations informed by decolonial feminisms, Speaker: Eleanor Tiplady Higgs


In this lecture I will outline the theoretical background of my MIASA project about ‘Christianity’, ‘feminism’, and associated terms, in the English-speaking YWCA movement on the continent. I aim to outline the epistemological basis for taking a narrative approach to researching ethics and identity in African contexts referring to African/a, Black, and decolonial feminist theory. I will then explain how this relates to identity, and why identity is significant for thinking about ethics, taking ‘Christianity’ and ‘feminism’ as illustrations.
