
Seminars Held During the 2020/2021 Academic Year

In the 2020/2021 academic year, lectures, seminars and other activities moved online. Keep scrolling to discover more information on the events and seminars that have taken place.


  •  Un Modèle Pour Améliorer Le Cursus Et La Pédagogie Du Français Dans Les Ecoles De Formation Infirmière Au Ghana.

This event took place on 7th May, 2021. This is another online presentation seminar. In this video, the speaker presents her hypotheses and provides information on such things as the application of socio-constructivist strategies in a FOS (Français sur Objectifs Specifiques) class, l’approche actionnelle etc.

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  • Prise De Conscience Et Emploi De Stratégies De Communication Par Des Etudiants Ghanéens De FLE

This video contains two (2) presentations. The first is by Miss Mensima Ekua Appiah-Thompson and the second is by Mister Anthony Owusu-Banahene. Other speakers are Dr. Elias Kaiza, Dr. Ulrich Douo, Dr. Promise Kpoglo, and Dr. Sewoenam Chachu. This event took place on 5th February 2021.

Mensima Ekua Appiah-Thompson, a 2nd year doctorate student, presents on the importance of studying French, the general reason for the study of French, the status of French-teaching in Ghana and more.

The presentation by Mister Anthony Owusu-Banahene is on the topic: Les Femmes En Contexte de Guerre dans La Mère Trop Tot by Gustave Akakpo and Sometimes April by Raoul Peck.

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  • Déscription Du Système Vocalique Des Apprenants De L'école Normale Supérieure De Somanya

The event in this video is Seminar II of FREN 640. Dr. Sewoenam Chachu, Dr. Kaiza, Dr. Imorou, Dr. Kpoglo, Dr. Sallah are speakers in this video. The video contains two (2) presentations, a presentation by Mr. Amuzu Mawuli Kossi and another by Mr. Anthony Owusu-Banahene. The events of this video took place online via zoom on 27th August 2021.

Mr. Amuzu presents on the topic, « Déscription du système vocalique des apprenants de l'école normale supérieure de Somanya. » He discusses the question, « Est-ce que les futurs enseignants de FLE de l’école normale supérieure de Somanya prononcent correctement les voyelles en français ? »

Mr. Owusu-Banahene’s presentation is on Les Femmes En Contexte de Guerre Dans La Mère Trop Tôt by Gustave Akakpo and Sometimes April by Raoul Peck. He analyses the image of women in the context of war as illustrated in the two books.

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  • L'encadrement De Mémoires Et Des Thèses : Les Attentes De L’encadrant Et De L’étudiant Vis-À-Vis Du Processus De Recherche A l’Université Du Ghana. The event in this video is a departmental webinar, which took place on 29 September 2021 via zoom. The Speakers were Dr. Kaiza, Dr. Chachu, and Prof. Augustine Asaah. Prof. Asaah is the speaker who makes the presentation.

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  • Le Substrat De L’enseignement Des Langues En Milieu Multilingue Africaine

In this seminar,In this seminar, which took place on 3rd September 2021, the speaker introduces theories, approaches in pedagogics, theories that are often exploited such as socio-constructivism, functionalism and many more. Dr. Innocent Fasse of University of Douala, Dr. Sewoenam, and Dr. Kaiza are also present in this very interactive video.

Click to watch the video


  • Discussion Avec Les Étudiants Sur Leurs Attentes Des Séminaires

Dr. Kaiza is the facilitator for this seminar and he expounds on the course syllabus for FREN 630 Seminar I, FREN 640 Seminar II and Departmental Seminar.  He shows a course delivery schedule which contains all the seminars in the course along with their times and mode of delivery. This seminar took place on the 30th July 2021.

Click to watch the video


  • Les choix linguistiques des familles

The seminar is entitled Facteurs Déterminant Les Représentations Et Les Choix Linguistiques Des Familles : Régards Croisés Des Pays Ashanti And Ewé. It took place on 23rd February, 2021 via zoom. The speakers are Dr Sewoenam Chachu, Dr Mawushi Nutakor. Dr Nutakor uses detailed research findings through data collected to make an interesting and concise presentation on this interesting topic.

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  • Comment réussir son mémoire ou sa thèse : le rôle des étudiants-chercheurs is another seminar that took place online. Present in the video are Dr Elias Kaiza, Dr Abdoulaye Imorou and Dr Hakeem. It begins with Dr Kaiza introducing Dr Hakeem. Dr Hakeem makes a presentation, which includes such points as; what to look out for when choosing a thesis topic, difficulties involved in undertaking a research, differences between the memoires or theses of an undergraduate and a masters/ doctorate student.

Click to watch the video


These are the seminars that have taken place in the University of Ghana French Department so far. That brings us to the end of this write-up. Thank you. Happy Reading!

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