

SREL 385-Christian Ethics

General introduction to ethics. Distinctive characteristics of Christian Ethics. Development of Old Testament Ethics. Some ethical teachings of Jesus, Paul, the Reformers. The Place of the Holy Spirit in the moral life. Christian decision-making process...

SREL 384-The Orthodox Caliphate (Pre-req.: SREL 389)

Concept and origins of the Caliphate as a religious and political institution. Introduction to the four Caliphs. Expansion of Islam. Administration of Territories. The Caliphs and their nonMuslim subjects. Civil wars. Rise of early sects.

SREL 383-The History of the Early Church

The Jewish and Graeco-Roman setting and the beginnings of the Church. Christianity and the Roman Empire. Attacks on Christianity and the work of the Apologists. Outstanding religious movements and personalities. Asceticism and Monasticism. Christianity in...

SREL 382-African Myths and Symbols

Theories of Myths; the universality of mythical motifs and symbols, and the functional value of myths and symbols. Detailed study of selected myths from various religious traditions especially African/ Ghanaian ones. Cross-cultural comparison of Myths and...

SREL 379- Background to the New Testament

The political, economic, social and religious situation of Palestine at the time of Christ. The attempts at the hellenization of Palestine under Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Roman involvement in Palestine from 63 B.C. to the Bar Cochba Revolt (A.D. 132-135)....

SREL 374-New Testament Introduction

The history of the formation of the New Testament canon. Outstanding literary problems found in the Gospels (e.g., Synoptic Problem, Proto-Luke hypothesis). Questions of authorship, date, place and purpose of writing, etc, of the New Testament books.

SREL 373-Historical Studies of Africa Indigenous Religions

Historical development of African Indigenous Religions (A.I.R.) as an academic subject, definitions and problems. Attitudes and stereotypes that affect the research and study of AIR. Historical encounter between African Indigenous Religions and Islam,...

SREL 368: Magic and Witchcraft

Definition of terms. Witchcraft and magic in the Bible. Witch hunting; witch meetings. Cannibalism and the Black Mass. Witches and devils. Confessions. Interpretations of European Witchcraft and magic. Modern African witchcraft and magic. Activities of...

SREL 368-Magic and Witchcraft

Definition of terms. Witchcraft and magic in the Bible. Witch hunting; witch meetings. Cannibalism and the Black Mass. Witches and devils.  Confessions. Interpretations of European Witchcraft and magic. Modern African witchcraft and magic...

SREL 367-Christianity in the Middle Ages

The Growth of Christianity 700 to 1300.   Christianity and Islam.  The Papacy. The Religious Orders. Dissent and Pentecostalism in the Middle Ages.  Magic and Witchcraft: European and Ghanaian.  Religion...
