

SREL 214:Introduction to Ethical Theories and Religious Ethical Systems

Definition of various terms; e.g., Ethics and Morality; Moral/Non-moral; Moral/Amoral; Moral/Immoral. Examination of a variety of ethical theories; e.g., Utilitarianism; Stoicism; Kantianism; Situation Ethics. Main features of Christian Ethics, African...

SREL 214: Introduction to Ethical Theories and Religious Ethical Systems

Definition of various terms; e.g., Ethics and Morality; Moral/Non-moral; Moral/Amoral; Moral/Immoral. Examination of a variety of ethical theories; e.g., Utilitarianism; Stoicism; Kantianism;
Situation Ethics. Main features of Christian Ethics, African...

SREL 213: Introduction to Philosophy of Religion

The nature of religious and philosophical thinking. The nature, concerns and methodology of Philosophy of Religion. Aspects of religious faith and practice that provoke philosophical questions, e.g., arguments for and against the existence of God; life after...

SREL 211:Introduction to the Study of Religions

Methods of studying Religions, especially the scientific/phenomenological approach. Theories of Religion, e.g., Definitions and Origins of Religion, Dimensions and characteristics of Religion, e.g., Religious experience and its expressions. Social dimensions...

SREL 112:Introduction to Christianity

The origins and development of Christianity; its early spread; differences among the various forms of Christianity: Orthodox, Roman Catholic; Protestantism; Pentecostalism; Key doctrines and Traditions; Christianity in Africa; Christianity in Ghana....

SREL 111:Introduction to Islam

Introduction to Arabia in the 6th Century, life of Prophet, the spread of Islam, Islamic Sacred Texts, beliefs and practices(Articles of Faith and Pillars of Islam), Islamic groups i.e. Sunnis, Shites, Ahmadiyya, Ahlus Sunna, Tijaniyya etc...

SRE L 339: Old Testament Introduction

The History of the formation of the Old Testament Canon. Basic literary features/problems associated with the three divisions of the TANAK (Torah,Neviim, Kethuviim). Questions of Jewish, Christian (Catholic and Protestant) positions about the Old Testament...

SREL 377- Introduction to Biblical Exegesis and Hermeneutics

Definition of terms (exegesis; Hermeneutics); Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis in historical perspective. Historical-critical exegesis; Structuralist exegesis; Post-modern exegesis - the philosophical presuppositions and cultural conditions, the methods and...

SREL 372-Methodological Issues in African Indigenous Religions

Issues of research methodology in African Indigenous Religions. Critical examination of some theoretical and methodological approaches e.g. phenomenological, comparative, sociological, anthropological, linguistic, meta-narrative etc. Engagement with current...

SREL 475-The Old Testament and African Life and Thought

Attitude to the Old Testament in the history of the Church. African Christians and the Old Testament. Comparative study: theology of nature, spirit possession, the individual and the community, the concept of alienation, death and beyond. 
