Re- Invigorating Humanities Research
At The University Of Ghana


The Re-Invigorating Humanities Research at the University of Ghana (REHURE-UG) project is made up of ten small individual and seven large departmental research teams. The project was birthed from the numerous challenges in various areas of research faced by faculty in the College of Humanities over the years.

The REHURE-UG project will run from 2018 to 2022 and the rationale is to strengthen the capacity and visibility of humanities research at the University of Ghana. By the end of the project, it is expected that at least sixty (60) journal articles, eight {8) edited books and ten (10) conferences and symposia will be produced by the research teams. Other expected outcomes are support for fifteen (15) graduate students, and six (6) audiovisual productions from the School of Performing Arts and the Institute of African Studies.



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