

BOTN 603 Applied plant anatomy

Anatomy of timbers.  Dendrochronology.  Ecological plant a natomy:  adaptive features of mescophytes.  Xerophytes.  Hydrophytes; applications; sun and shade leaves.  Palynology. Embryology.  Economic aspects of applied plant...

BOTN 602 Anatomy of the flower, fruit and seed

The Flower, Concept;  Structure;  Origin and Development;  Abscission.  Palynology. Embryology.  The Fruit:  Definition and Classification;  Fruit wall and Periocarp;  Histology of the Fruit Wall;  Abscission....

BOTN 601 Vegetative plant anatomy

The protoplast.  The Cell Wall.  Meristems and differentiation.  Apical Meristem.
 The Vascular Cambium.  The Epidermis.  Parenchyma.  Collencyma.  Sclerenchyma. Xylem.  Phloem.  Secretory structures. ...

BOTN 616 Conservation of biological resources

Biodiversity at the intraspecific (gene), species and ecosystem levels.  Value of  Biodiversity; problems in the economic valuation of biodiversity.  Conservation of Biodiversity; conservation of endangered species.  Species survival....

BOTN 615 Synecology

Qualitative and quantitative description of vegetation.  Life from classification of  vegetation. Vegetation dynamics.  Predation and herbivores.  Vegetation of West Africa.   History of vegetation;  palaeobotany. ...

BOTN 605 Plant anatomical methods

Microscopy;  Microtechnique;  Photomicrography; Nomarski interference Microscopy; introduction to scanning electron Microscopy;  introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy.


Cytological techniques; Pixation; Cytological methods - fluorescence microscopy, metachromasia, Histochemistry, Histoimmunulogy, Autoradiography, Tissue culture, Biological computing, Cytophotometry, Instrumentation; Optical microscopy (phase contrast,...
