

BOTN 671 Conservation methods (credits)

In-situ and ex-situ conservation methods for plant genetic resources.  SWOT Analysis of methods for in-situ and ex-situ conservation.

BOTN 666 Sustainable management of plant genetic resources

Sustainable utilization of biodiversity, Environmental Impact Assessment - case studies.

BOTN 665 Diversity in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems

Species identification (morphological and molecular), ecological survey techniques; data management and monitoring of ecosystems and plant genetic resources.

BOTN 664 Case studies and research reports

Case studies of terrestrial (forest and savanna), freshwater (natural and man-made) and marine ecosystems plus agro-ecosystems.  Developing research reports using the case studies.  Presentation and discussion of case studies.

BOTN 664 Case studies and research reports

Case studies of terrestrial (forest and savanna), freshwater (natural and man-made) and marine ecosystems plus agro-ecosystems.  Developing research reports using the case studies.  Presentation and discussion of case studies.

BOTN 663 Computer science (for ecology, genetics and plant anatomy)

Use of computers: DOS, word processing spreadsheet, database, statistical packages, introduction to programming. For Plant Anatomy and Ecology: Database for ecological, ethnobotanical and taxonomic information in the Ghana Herbarium.      

BOTN 661 Biometry (for plant anatomy, ecology, genetics)

Statistical methods:  analysis of variance; f actorial experimentation;  multivariate analysis.  Classification and ordination.  Algebra:  matrix algebra;  complex numbers. Calculus:  maxima and minima;  partial...

BOTN 660 Seminar II

For year 2, each student will make a presentation soon after the Year I examinations on his/ her Thesis Research Proposal and also present a progress report midway into the second semester. These will be assessed for 3 credits.

BOTN 655 Botanical nomenclature

Sources and applications of plant names.  The international code of Botanical Nomenclature: history, principles and provisions.

BOTN 654 Practical and Applied Taxonomy

Tools in Eiosystematics:  variation and speciation plant identification.  Herbarium techniques and field practice.  Ethnobotany.
