College of Humanities Launches Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) For Future Star Initiative In Collaboration With Tecno Mobile

In a momentous occasion attended by over 500 excited students, the College of Humanities, University of Ghana, in collaboration with TECNO Mobile, an innovative technology giant, proudly unveiled the “TECNO Future Star Initiative” on the 18th of October, 2023, at the ISSER Conference Facility, University of Ghana. Developed in partnership with the esteemed University of Ghana, College of Humanities, this pioneering scholarship program is poised to recognise and support the remarkable talent of undergraduate students across Africa who are driving technological change with GHS 100,000 worth of scholarships. 

The initiative is also set to establish a Student Experience Hub at the New College of Humanities Office Building, adjacent the Language Centre, which will help to ignite the spark of innovation and promote the power of technology among students. This dedicated space will be equipped with TECNO’s flagship MegabookT1 laptops and various smart devices from the TECNO AIOT ecosystem, providing students with an opportunity to explore, learn, and have fun with cutting-edge technology to foster creativity and innovation.


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