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games night


The Graduate Students' Association of Ghana, University of Ghana (GRASAG-UG), continues its commitment to strengthening the bond between graduate students and the association through the second edition of "GRASAG AT YOUR DOORSTEP." This innovative initiative aims to bring the association closer to the student community by organizing engaging events right at their doorsteps. The event, held at the Legon Hall Annex C, Graduate Block on 11th June 2023, transformed into a vibrant hub of excitement and friendly competition as students gathered for a memorable fun and games night. With an array of classic board games and popular card games, the event fostered connections and provided a platform for graduate students to unwind and enjoy each other's company.

games night

GRASAG-UG recognizes the importance of providing a well-rounded graduate experience that goes beyond academic pursuits. The fun and games night organized during the second edition of GRASAG AT YOUR DOORSTEP created an atmosphere of relaxation and camaraderie, allowing students to forge connections outside the classroom while relieving the stress associated with their rigorous academic pursuits.

board game session

The download link for the images of the event are below:

Download PIN: 3209