Dr. Emmanauel Adjei-Boatengb

Contact info eadjei-boateng@ug.edu.gh


  1. Adjei-Boateng, E. & Cobbinah, J. E. (2018) Working with immigrant children in schools: practical skills for teachers. In Keengwe, S. (ed) Handbook of research in engaging immigrant families and promoting academic success for English language learners, Hershey, PA: IGI Global (in press)
  2. Adjei-Boateng, E. & Cobbinah, J. E. (2018) Secondary Teacher Preparation. In Rice, B. M. & Threlkeld, A. (eds). Global Perspectives on Inclusive Teacher Education, Hershey, PA: IGI Global (in press)
  3. Adjei-Boateng, E. & Ampadu, E. (2018). Collaborative learning as a pedagogical tool to improve students’ learning. In J., Keengwe, (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Pedagogical Models for Next-Generation Teaching and Learning. (pp. 118-143). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  4. Ampadu, E. & Adjei-Boateng, E. (2018). Problem-Based learning: Enhancing students’ authentic learning. In J., Keengwe, (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Mobile Technology, Constructivism, and Meaningful Learning. (pp. 280-293). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  5. Osei-Poku, P., Osei, J., Adjei-Boateng, E. & Howard, E. K. (2018). Curriculum developmentand student training: A shared responsibility between clothing and textile institutions and theirindustry. British Journalof Education, 6(5), 9-17.
  6. Adjei-Boateng, E(2016). Promoting culturally responsive pedagogical competence among preservice teachers. In J., Keengwe, Mbae; & Onchwari (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Next-Generation Teacher Education (pp. 276-295).
  7. Hershey,PA: IGI Global.
  8. Adjei-Boateng, E. & Gourneau, B. (2016). Mentoring and lived experiences of beginning teachers in a resident teacher program. In J. Keengwe, Mbae; & Onchwari (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Next-Generation Teacher Education (pp.228-245)Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  9. Keengwe, J., Adjei-Boateng, E. & Diteeyont, W. (2013). Facilitating active social presenceand meaningful interactions in online learning. Education and Information Technologies,18(4), 597-607.
  10. Keengwe, J. & Adjei-Boateng, E. (2012). Induction and mentoring of beginning secondaryschool teachers. A case study.International Journalof Education, 4(2), 250-260.
  11. Adjei-Boateng, E. (2011, December 18). Let’s help immigrant children learn English. Grand Forks Herald, p. D3.