Resit Registration

These guidelines and schedule of payment are for Continuing Students (Regular) needing to write Supplementary Re-sit Examinations for 2nd Semester Courses only.   

  1. The Supplementary Re-sit Examinations for Regular Students is scheduled for Monday, 7th June to Sunday, 20th June 2021.
  2. Re-sits for 2nd Semester courses will be fielded.
  3. Refer to the schedule of fees at the end of this brief to determine exactly how much to pay.
  4. Continuing Students are to pay the relevant fees and register online using the normal “REGISTER/PAY FOR RE-SIT” link in the STS portal. Detailed instructions to do this can be found here: Please take note:
  • Re-sit registration is for SECOND SEMESTER COURSES ONLY.
  • Students may register up to a maximum of 18 credit hours.
  • Re-sit registration is for failed courses (Grade E or F) only.
  • Deadline for the re-sit registration is Friday, April 16th , 2021.
  1. The compiled list of registered students with their courses will be sent to the respective Departments to enable Examiners set examination questions. 
  2. The examinations are scheduled as follows: Monday, 7th June to Sunday, 2oth June 2021. (This excludes Distance Education Programme students)
  3. An Examination Timetable will be drawn by the Teaching and Examinations Unit in collaboration with the Colleges. Given the prevailing conditions, the supplementary re-sit examinations will be conducted through a variety of modes depending on the course involved - onsite or offsite, online or physcal sit-down.
  4. 7.     Students should report any clashes in the Timetable to their respective College Academic Offices as follows:
College of
College of Basic and Applied
College of
College of Health


Schedule of Fees For Resit Registration

The fees for continuing students are as follows;


1 credit hourGH¢26.00
2 credit hoursGH¢53.00
3 credit hoursGH¢79.00


1 credit hourGH¢35.00
2 credit hoursGH¢70.00
3 credit hoursGH¢105.00


1 credit hourGH¢43.00
2 credit hoursGH¢86.00
3 credit hoursGH¢129.00


1 credit hourGH¢43.00
2 credit hoursGH¢86.00
3 credit hoursGH¢129.00

One PaperGH¢ 161.00
Two PapersGH¢ 321.00
Three PapersGH¢ 482.00


1 credit hourGH¢ 66.00
2 credit hoursGH¢ 132.00
3 credit hoursGH¢ 198.00


1 credit hourGH¢ 69.00
2 credit hoursGH¢ 139.00
3 credit hoursGH¢ 208.00