BSc Nutrition & Food Science

Food Science & Nutrition is the scientific study of the utilisation of food by humans and its effects on health; in both healthy and diseased states. It is an interdisciplinary science that combines chemistry, biology and the behavioural sciences. The Food Science component of the programme relates to the structure, composition, chemistry and safety preservation of food. Food Science also addresses the production, manufacturing and processing of food in food-related industries. The Nutrition component examines how the human body obtains and uses nutrients from food for maintenance, growth and renewal of body tissues to sustain life. It also considers the socio- economic, environmental and cultural determinants of eating behaviours and how they impact on health. Students enrolled in the B.Sc Food Science & Nutrition have the option of a single major in either Food Science or Nutrition. All graduates however benefit from a uniform blend of courses in Nutrition and Food Science as well as topical issues and emerging technologies irrespective of major.