Ambassador Lu Kun met with the Director of Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana

On the afternoon of May 26, Chinese Ambassador to Ghana Lu Kun met with Chu Beijuan, Director of Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana.

Co-built by Zhejiang University of technology and the University of Ghana ,the Confucius institute at the university of Ghana, since put into operation, in accordance with the requirements of the language headquarter, we will do our best to help the "set", through the examination combined with teaching stresses the quality, has held more than 60 games HSK and HSKK exam, host, and to undertake a number of cultural activities, such as "Chinese bridge", the Confucius institute, etc.;

                                                                 Ambassador Lu Kun met with Director Chu Beijuan of Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana

At the same time, we continue to seek innovation to meet local needs, and set up special "Chinese +" courses and online Chinese micro courses, which have cultivated a large number of outstanding Ghanaian students who know Chinese and are familiar with Chinese culture. Ambassador Lu kun congratulated the Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana on its achievements in the promotion of Chinese language teaching and acknowledged the contribution of Confucius Institute in the dissemination of Chinese culture. He hoped that Confucius Institute would continue its efforts and play a greater role in promoting people-to-people exchanges and enhancing the friendship between China and Canada.

Ambassador Lu kun was very concerned about the work and life of Confucius Institute teachers and urged them to do a good job in preventing mosquitoes and epidemic prevention, stressing that all work should be carried out on the premise of ensuring safety and health. He said that the Embassy will continue to provide support to the development of the Confucius Institute and wished the Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana even greater success.