International Conference Series 2 | Cultural Exchange and Cooperation in the context of International Chinese Education

On September 22, the "China-Ghana International Conference on Chinese Education" was held in Accra, capital of Ghana. Teachers and students from the Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana and the School of Humanities at Zhejiang University of Technology participated in the online conference. Professor WU Chunxiang of Shanghai International Studies University was invited to deliver a keynote speech entitled "Cultural Exchange and Cooperation in the context of International Chinese Education".


First of all, Professor Wu pointed out that there are some misunderstandings about international pedagogy. The objective reasons lie in: the opposition of different ideologies; Differences in different cultural contexts; A bias in understanding. He then pointed out that with the success of reform and opening up, China's overall national strength has improved, and the rise of a great power has caused growing anxiety in the world. The root of the panic is a lack of understanding of China. It is imperative to avoid conflict, reduce fear and eliminate ignorance.  Therefore, cultural exchange and cooperation in the context of international Chinese education is particularly important.


Then, Professor Wu briefly introduced the change of the name from "Teaching Chinese as a foreign language" to "International Chinese Language Education" and the deep meaning behind it. Regarding this change, Professor Wu once pointed out in his article that Chinese has become an international language, which is used as a "universal" or "interchangeable" language in a certain field. Therefore, it is necessary to put forward the conception of "International Chinese Language" under this background. "International Chinese language education promotes people-to-people exchanges, mutual learning among civilizations and people-to-people exchanges between China and other countries," Wu said. The Chinese government has always taken the promotion of international Chinese education as an obligatory responsibility. Our teachers should also follow the international practice of language communication, adhere to the principles of mutual respect, friendly consultation, equality and mutual benefit, adhere to market operation, and build a more open, inclusive and standardized modern international Chinese education system." In addition, Professor Wu also made a prospect of "Chinese" in international Chinese education by using a passage from Professor Shao Bin. They believe that the definition of "Chinese" may be further expanded in the future.

Prof.Wu also pointed out that accelerating cultural exchange, absorption and integration is a major trend. In this context, Chinese and foreign teachers should adopt different ways to spread Chinese culture, especially Chinese teachers should pay more attention to the grasp of "quantity" and increase trust in the process of cultural transmission. In the process of promoting exchanges and cooperation among civilizations, countries should also follow the principle of cultural exchanges, which requires holding correct cultural views first. In addition, he also points out the principles to be adhered to in cultural teaching: first, cultural teaching should not be excessive; Second, don't just pander; Third, we should treat each other as equals."

Finally, Prof.Wu pointed out that cultural exchanges and cooperation in the context of international Chinese education should be timely adjusted to the changes in the world situation.

Prof. Wu Chunxiang's speech drew on a wide range of quotations. The present teachers and students have a further understanding of the cultural exchanges and cooperation in the context of international Chinese education, which lays a foundation for further study of Chinese and related research in the future.

● Expert Profile

Wu Chunxiang, professor and doctoral supervisor of Shanghai International Studies University, is a member of the Chinese Language Education Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education of China. His research interests include international Chinese education, linguistics, rhetoric and sociolinguistics. He has published more than 90 academic papers at home and abroad, many of which have been reprinted in full by the "Language, Philology", a photocopy of Renmin University of China, and the "Materials on China Relations" in Japan. He has published 3 monographs, 7 textbooks as chief editor (including deputy chief editor), and 3 papers as chief editor. Presided over or participated in nearly 20 various subjects.