“Confucius Institute Day “series of activities  4 | CIUG held a recruitment fair for Chinese Language graduates and internship base award ceremony

On September 27, the recruitment fair for fresh graduates of CIUG and the awarding ceremony of the internship base were successfully held in the Confucius Institute Auditorium.

The Chinese and foreign directors of CIUG, five members of Sunda Group, teachers ,students of Confucius Institute and  Chinese section of University of Ghana attended the activity.

Figure 1 | The Chinese director Prof.Chu delivered a speech

At the beginning of the activity, Professor Chu Beijuan, the Chinese director of Confucius Institute, said that the recruitment fair was the first campus job fair held by Confucius Institute for the University of Ghana since the epidemic. Due to the pandemic, students' learning rhythms have been disrupted and the timing of holidays has been adjusted. All students of the University of Ghana completed their final examinations for the semester on September 25 and will start a three-month long holiday this week. Senior students face employment, sophomore, junior students face the problem of internship. When the Confucius Institute heard about this, it immediately contacted the enterprise to actively prepare for the job fair and establish the cooperation of the internship base. In this way, Confucius Institute hopes to build a bridge between students and employers, so that students can find their favorite job or internship unit, and learn about Chinese culture through Chinese enterprises, so as to enhance the understanding and friendship between Chinese and Ghanaian people in the working relationship. On the other hand, also through the job fair, boost the process of localization of Chinese enterprises.

"Today's job fair has received a positive response from Chinese enterprises based in Ghana. Sunda Group is a large multinational enterprise that has been working in Ghana for many years and is in great demand for jobs. In order to better serve Ghanaian students and enterprises, today, Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana and Sunda Group will jointly establish the Confucius Institute Internship Base of the University of Ghana." Director Chu said.

Then, Prof.Chu Beijuan, Prof.Quarshie,the Chinese and Ghanaian director of CI, the personnel Department and the Sales Department of Sunda group jointly unveiled the " Internship Base of Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana" and took a group photo.

Figure 2 | Internship base award ceremony

Then is the enterprise propaganda link, the employer through the PPT form to introduce the enterprise overview, organization structure, future development direction, personnel needs, so that the students come to apply for a preliminary understanding of the enterprise. The students listened carefully and actively put forward their interested questions. The employer patiently and carefully answered the students' questions.

Figure 3 | Presentation by Sunda Group

Figure 4 | Student question session

The atmosphere at the recruitment fair was warm and orderly. The students filled in the application forms one after another, and the staff of the employer actively communicated with the students, collected the students' resumes and made a simple selection, and conducted the first round of interviews for the students. Many students said that they hope to find a suitable position and will continue to study Chinese in the future.

Figure 5 | Interview scene

With the vigorous development of China-Ghana economic and trade relations, more and more Chinese enterprises have settled in Ghana in recent years. Enterprises want to recruit more local talents who are familiar with Chinese language and Chinese culture. This recruitment fair has set up such a platform, which not only provides employment opportunities for Confucius Institute students, but also solves the employment problem of enterprises. The Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana will continue to cultivate more outstanding "Chinese +" interdisciplinary talents to help Chinese enterprises develop in Ghana, better serve the local economy and meet the needs of social development.

FIG. 6 | Activity group photo