

Welcome, Department of Sociology!

HOD's welcome message
Dr. Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya

Head of Department, Sociology

About the Department

Established in 1950, the Department has grown steadily over the years and is currently the largest in the School of Social Sciences, College of Humanities, with a student population of 3,039, which includes 2,969 undergraduate students, 45 Masters students and 25 Doctoral students. The 23 faculty members teach on the Main Campus, the Accra City Campus, and on the Distance and Continuing Education programme.

Get to know us

Celebrating Rev. Prof. MPK Okyerefo

Thank you and ayekoo!!!

Departmental Seminar

International scholars sharing their research with our students and faculty!!!


All Events
Feb 12
Migration, Labour and "rescue"- rethinking the boundaries of freedom
  10:00 am
  S30 Department of Sociology
Oct 16
8th School of Social Science International Conference
  8:28 am
  Cedi Conference Hall
Aug 21
Timetable for Supplementary Examination
  7:00 pm
  University of Ghana
Sep 16
Academic Calendar
  8:00 am
  Department of Sociology