


VENUE: Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University of Cape Coast, Ghana

Date: 4 - 8th August, 2020

Theme: Geography Education: An Indespensable Tool for National Developement




The world is now confronted with diverse developement challanges,including poverty and inequalities, unsustainable urban developement, mobility and morbidity, conflicts, climate change and problems of safety and human insecuirity. These are affecting various facets of nationaldevelopement which are political,social, economic, environmental and cultural character. In the developing world,including Africa, recent statistics have shown some progress in reducing poverty and provision of basic necessities of life such as food, clothing, shelter, education,water and sanitation. However, issues of gender imbalances,civil wars,corruption and natural disasters continue to thwart national developent policies and programmes,In Ghana the situationis not different with matters of unemployment,unbalanced developement, inequality andcases of insecurity among others contributing greatly to hampeer the country's national development prospects.The quest to address these national development problems have resulted in planning and implementation of development policies or agendas such as the Global Sustainable Development Goals (2015 -2030) at the international level. Africa Union (AU) Agenda 2063 and the 40-yearDevelopment Plan of Ghana (2018 -2057). However, in all these efforts how Geography Education can be utilised to solve some of thhese probllems has recieved less attention. Geography Education, when utilized is a Powerful tool that can be relied upon to explore the spatialrelationships of social and physical phenomena at diverse scales and suggest solutions to persistent developement problems. This makes the theme for this 2020 Ghana Geographers Association Annual Conference 'Geography Education: An Indespensable Tool for NationalDevelopement' timely and vital to the socio-economic developement of Ghana, Africa and other developing countries.