PhD Oral Examinations via Zoom

Starting May 8, 2020 - Ending May 8, 2021 Expired


Heads of academic units are kindly requested to take note of the following measures that the School of Graduate Studies has put in place towards the conduct of the PhD oral examinations via zoom.

The Candidate will:

· Submit a soft copy of his/her PowerPoint presentation to the head of academic unit at least 72 hours ahead of an examination.

· Do a presentation of his/her thesis for not more than 40 minutes.

· Give Remarks after the announcement of results(Optional)

The Academic Unit will:

· Submit names and contact information (email addresses and telephone numbers) of the chairperson, examiners, candidate, faculty and PhD students of the unit who will be attending the viva to the SGS

· Organise a zoom rehearsal for the candidate.

· Share the candidate’s presentation with the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) at least 48 hours ahead of the examination.

· Share the zoom link with faculty and PhD students of the unit who will be attending the viva.

· Introduce the Chairperson

The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) will:

· Formally invite the Examiners, Chairperson and the candidate to the viva.

· Share the presentation, score sheets and the guidelines for conducting oral examinations with the Chairperson at least 24 hours ahead of the examination.

· Forward soft copies of the thesis, examiners’ reports, score sheets and external examiners’ claim forms to the respective examiners at least 24 hours ahead of the examination.

· Send the zoom link to the examiners, chairperson, candidate and head of academic unit at least 24 hours ahead of the examination.

· Hold a pre-viva meeting 30 minutes before the start of the session to set the tone of the examination. The Chairperson and examiners will join the Dean of the SGS (or his representative) for the meeting.

· Superintend the viva.

· Hold a post viva meeting to determine the results of the examination.

· Give remarks after the announcement of results.

The Chairperson will:

· Introduce the candidate, candidate’s supervisors, panel of examiners and other guests.

· Invite candidate to make his/her presentation

· Moderate the interaction of examiners, faculty and audience with the student

· Announce the results after the determination of results

· Close the Oral Examination Session

It is advisable to get an alternate internet service as backup in case one loses connectivity in the course of the examination.

We count on your support to make the examination sessions successful.