
Goalball is a team sports designed specifically for blind athletes, originally devised in 1946 by the AustrianHans Lorenzen and German Sepp Reindle, in an effort to rehabilitate visually impaired  veterans who returned from the World War II. 
The Goalball game was introduce by the UG Sports Directorate in the 2009 as a way of providing the platform for to experience social and sporting inclusion irrespective of barriers due to physical or visual impairments.
Participants compete in teams of three, and try to throw a ball that has bells embedded in it into the opponents’ goal.Teams alternate throwing or rolling the ball from one end of the playing area to the other, and players remain in the area of their own goal in both defense and attack. Players must use the sound of the bell to judge the position and movement of the ball. Games consist of two 12-minute halves (formerly 10-minute halves).
Eyeshades/Blindfolds allow partially sighted players to compete on an equal footing with blind players. Eye patches may be worn under eyeshades to ensure complete coverage of the eye, and prevent any vision should the eyeshades become dislodged.
(Visit http://www.paralympic.org/goalball for more Goalball details)


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