You are welcome to the Department for the Study of Religions within the School of Arts!

HOD's welcome message
Prof. Rose Mary Amenga-Etego

Head of Department, Study of Religions

About the Department

The Department for the Study of Religions of the University of Ghana is the oldest in the country, and one of the oldest in Africa. It started as the Department of Divinity in 1948 as one of the original units of the Faculty of Arts of the then University College of the Gold Coast. Its current name was adopted in 1962 to reflect the secular and multi-religious character of the country. The change of name was also to reflect the orientation of the Department as a sub-unit of a public secular university committed to the academic rather than confessional approach to the study of religion.

The Department is dedicated to the promotion of the scientific study of religions but also continues with the promotion of high-quality theological education for a just, peaceful and humane society. The academic training provided by the Department is intended to equip students to understand and interpret the world and society, and to enable them respond creatively to the challenges presented by the multicultural local and global environments. There is also a serious academic engagement with African Indigenous Religions and Cultures with the aim of making a distinctive African, and for that matter Ghanaian, contribution to religious and theological studies. The aim of making a distinctive African, and for that matter Ghanaian, contribution to religious and theological studies.

Get to know us

Our Students

Currently, we have over 2000 undergraduate students and 60 postgraduate students. Students can major in the Study of Religions, or combine with other subjects as well.


All Events
Jun 25
4th International Sacred Texts Conference
  9:00 am
  Balme Library, University of Ghana, Legon
Mar 11
World Christianity Conference
  7:00 am
  ISSER Conference Hall
Nov 17
Guest Lecture - SREL 403: Comparative Study of Religions
  9:00 am
  K.A. Busia Lecture Hall
Nov 04
Field Trip - SREL 315: African Indigenous Religions
  7:00 am
  Cape Coast (Central Region)