HSK Examinations

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HSK Examinations
HSK Examination Center at the Confucius Institute
At the University of Ghana

On the 15th of October, 2017 HSK3, HSK4, HSK5 and HSKK(初级), HSKK(中级) and HSKK(高级) examinations will be held at the HSK examination center at the Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana. Internet registration for the examinations is available now at www.chinesetest.cn and will end by 19th of September, 2017. Registration is valid only after examination fee is paid to the HSK examination center before the deadline of regeistration.

The fees are as follows:

HSK3                             ————GHc 180.00

HSK4                             ————GHc 225.00

HSK5                             ————GHc 270.00

HSKK初级                         ————GHc 100.00

HSKK中级                         ————GHc 150.00

HSKK高级                         ————GHc 200.00


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