
GSPH 325 Environmental Quality and Sanitary Inspection


Concepts of environmental quality (hygiene);Practice at community level (prevention of contamination of land, premises and infrastructures and pollution of water infrastructures (roads, drainage systems, parks, etc.) and the pollution of water bodies (beaches, river banks, etc).Identification of environmental hygiene problems at premises level (residential, commercial, industrial, institutional), public places (markets, lorry parks, beaches, river banks, lagoons, stadia, and open undeveloped lands).

Legislation: Role of legislation in environmental quality (hygiene) promotion; procedures for the making and review of national and local legislation; practices in Ghana. Sanitary Inspection: Environmental hygiene monitory by Sanitary Inspection; hygiene education; compliance enforcement and procedures. Institutional Arrangements: Institutional and development concept and principles; structure of appropriate department/units; sanitary inspection in Ghana. Identification the source of air pollution both indoor and outdoor.