
Agbedohu Gabriel Selasie

When I am questioned why I am passionate about agriculture I often find it hard to explain.
Agriculture has always been a significant part of my life. As Thomas Jefferson once said;
“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good
morals and happiness.”

Growing up in the Northern part of Ghana; a region famous for its very dry weather, I noticed
that despite her largest land mass, agricultural development specifically crop production is very
low owed to these weather and other conditions. Ghana is no stranger to food and agricultural
economic instability dating as far back as 1983, as the strive still continues for food security, It
has always been a dream of mine to play my part as an Agriculturist to improve by developing
the best practices for cultivating soil, raising livestock, and growing crops, help to advance the
agricultural development and also take advantage of the business opportunities in the sector in
my Country; Ghana and Africa as a whole. These incentives stimulated me to pursue my
secondary education in Agricultural Science, went on to pursue a Bachelor of Science in
Agriculture and now I am doing an MPhil in Agribusiness in the University of Ghana.
Undoubtedly, my education and experiences so far have placed me in the path of reaching my
goals. My career goal however, is to work at the helm of a government agency for instance SARI
(Savanna Agricultural Research Institute), FRI (Food Research Institute) or an international
agency such as UNFAO, WFP and IFAD and assist in making decisions that will positively affect
the development, policies and security of food in the agricultural sector. Ultimately, I plan to
take my classes in entrepreneurship very seriously, to equip me with the necessary expertise to
start up an agribusiness development agency.