University of Ghana Ranked 1,239 on January 2020 Webometric Rankings


University of Ghana has been ranked 1,239 on the January 2020 Webometric Rankings placing it ahead of universities in Ghana and West Africa.

The Ranking Web or Webometrics is the largest academic ranking of Higher Education Institutions. Since 2004, an independent, objective, free, open and scientific exercise is performed by the Cybermetrics Lab (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC), the largest public research body in Europe, for the purposes of providing reliable, multidimensional, updated and useful information about the performance of universities all over the world based on their web presence and impact.

The objectives of the Webometrics Ranking of the World's Universities was to promote web publication, supporting open access initiatives and electronic access to scientific publications and other academic materials.

Indicators for the ranking are presence (public knowledge shared), visibility (web contents impact), transparency or openness (top cited researchers) and excellence or scholar (top cited papers).

University of Ghana has maintained its premier position in Ghana, with KNUST ranking at the 1,675th position. Besides the South African and Egyptian universities that have characteristically been ahead of UG, only University of Nairobi and Makerere forged ahead at the 1018th and 1082th position respectively.

The information below depicts University of Ghana’s World Rankings in previous years for reference.

Webometrics (World Rank) 2005 - 5,794 2015 - 1,761 2017 - 1,657 2018 - 1,555

Management appreciates the contribution of members of the University community who are committed to sustaining the University’s reputation as the highly-ranked university in Ghana and the West African Sub-region

