

CHIN 101 Introduction to Chinese Studies

Students will be introduced to the Chinese (Mandarin) language through the Pinyin phonetic system which is the Romanised transcribed form of standard Chinese. This subject will also involve studying the rudiments of Mandarin pronunciation and listening, with...

ARAB 424 Readings in Andalusian and Mahjar Literature

The course gives a historical survey of Andalus and Mahjar literature. It however concentrates on the main literary features of Arab poetry produced during the Arab occupation of Spain, as well as acquainting students with the works of emigrant Arab poets who...

ARAB 423 Higher Language Proficiency

This course involves advanced practical communication exercises aimed at further developing students’ ability in oral and written expressions. The course deals with readings in specialised topics, such as politics, medicine, sports, business and...

ARAB 422 Functional Arabic II

This is a follow-up course to ARAB 421. The course provides further readings in complex religious, literary, and legal Arabic texts with various contextual meanings of their lexical components. More complex Arabic texts of literary, religious, and legal...

ARAB 421 Functional Arabic I

This course will focus on reading specialized Arabic texts with varied registers for particular social and professional contexts; e.g. Businness Arabic, Medical Arabic and Diplomatic Arabic. Arabic texts of literary, religious, and legal nature will be...

ARAB 420 Study Abroad

This is a two-semester six-credit course in Arabic language, literature and culture to be undertaken in an institution in an Arab-speaking country. It is intended to give students the opportunity to practice Arabic language constantly and to experience its...

ARAB 419 Writings of Ghanaian Ulama

This course is a textual study of some selected literary works of Ghanaian Muslim writers such as Umar Karki and others for analysis, and appreciation. Critical evaluation of their peculiar artistic features will be conducted. Their socio-religious...

ARAB 418 Aspects of Ancient Arabic Literature

The course aims at introducing students to aspects of Arabic literature of the Jalihiyya Period. The emphasis will be on the main linguistic and philosophical elements that characterised literature of that period. Samples of the ancient literary works will be...

ARAB 417 Arabs and Globalisation

The course deals with an aspect of the Arab cultural studies, which seeks to examine various viewpoints on globalisation within Arab intellectual discourse and conflicts arising thereof. The cultural ‘protectionism’ agenda of the traditionalists...

ARAB 416 Discourse Analysis and Stylistics

The course aims at introducing students to the textual analysis of Arabic discourses at the levels of lexicon, grammar, sentence, style, and text as they affect meaning. Students will be introduced to various Arabic literary texts in order to enhance their...
