
Mission & Vision


The Centre for Ageing Studies aims to advance multidisciplinary research and educational programmes consisting of multifaceted approach to ageing that will promote the well-being of older adults. Further, CFAS aims to be a leader in ageing research in Africa.



At CFAS, we provide resources for healthy ageing, conduct cutting-edge research and provide training in ageing studies. We disseminate information about ageing and advances in research.



1.       Stimulate  the multidisciplinary study of ageing within and across the biological, behavioural and social sciences;

2.       Conduct cutting-edge research that tackles prominent questions of ageing and old age;

3.       Coordinate  new interdisciplinary partnerships to develop innovative programs of research and education that capture the complexities and inter-connections of ageing issues;

4.      Translate research advancements into practical understanding and interventions; 

5.      Advocate  sound policy to enhance the quality of life and to promote the health and welfare of our citizens;

6.      Provide a Resource Centre for healthy ageing where varied enhancement of training programmes will be offered to older adults, families and community members by professionals;

7.      Provide holistic clinical support for the aged;

8.      Be a referral source age-related conditions;

9.      Explore advanced research in understanding and treatment of abnormal ageing;

10.    Offer graduate and undergraduate students training and scholarship opportunities in contemporary issues of ageing and old age;

11.    To provide instructions in state-of-the-art methodological tools suited to the study of ageing;

12.    Disseminate information about ageing and advances in research to the public, health care professionals, and the scientific community.



The Centre for Ageing Studies is under the auspices of the College of Humanities in collaboration with the College of Health Sciences with personnel from key disciplines such as psychology, medicine, geriatrics, neurology, nutrition, biochemistry, sports, sociology, social work, and economics.